Daheng Wu
date: 2020-07-04, view: 1440

Daheng Wu obtained his bachelor's degree in materials science and engineering from Tianjin University of Technology in 2014. In 2019, he graduated from the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics and received a Ph.D. in materials science. Daheng Wu joined the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, CAS in July 2019 for his postdoctoral research. He carries out research work in the fields of biomimetic surface and interface materials, marine long-term anti-fouling applications, controlling of functional surface wettability and performance research at present and has published 8 papers in Nanoscale, Appl. Surf. Sci., Soft Matter, New J. Chem., Mater. Lett.

E-mail: wudaheng@nimte.ac.cn
